New Blog Friends

We have had lots of visitors on our student blogs so far. The kids are very motivated by visitors and comments, so please continue to visit often and join the conversations. The student blogs can be found on the right side of this page.

We have some friends from New York who have been visiting often, and they have started their own blogs too! Please visit their blogs and comment too. They are just getting started, and their blogs look great!

What IS that thing?

Today, Ansen brought in something to share at Morning Meeting.  It was a very unusual object; it was both familiar and foreign at the same time.  When he took it out of the box, everyone was excited and confused.  The kids all started asking each other, “What IS that thing?”, and they were crawling over each other as they tried to get a closer look. 


There was one thing that was certain.  It was certainly ancient.  Like from 1980.  They all wondered how something so OLD could have survived for so long, and STILL work (although I guess the same could be said for their teacher). 

Anyway, this was what Ansen brought to class.  Do YOU know what it is?



What IS that thing?

The Buckmaster Explorers!

The treasure is THAT way!!

The treasure is THAT way!!

In social studies, we are studying the European explorers who sailed to the New World from the 1400s to the 1600s.  To get geared up for this unit, we went on an expedition of our own. 



In the 15th century, explorers used a variety of navigational tools to find their way around the Earth.  Some of these tools included the astrolabe, the chronometer, and the compass.  Today, we still use compasses, but we also have different tools to navigate in the 21st century.  One of these tools is the GPS device.  Thanks to a very generous friend of Mrs. B, we were able to borrow 10 handheld GPS devices to use!

Using our 21st century navigational tools, the kids were sent on an expedition.  Each device was programmed with the coordinates of a secret message hidden somewhere on our campus.  The kids simply had to follow the signal, find the hidden bag, and bring it back to the classroom.  They then had to decode the message inside.  This would tell them the name of the explorer that they would be researching throughout the unit.

Decoding the name of the explorer

Decoding the name of the explorer

The kids had a great time on their expedition!  Once they got their explorer, they wanted to start researching right away!  When the students are done gathering their information, they will develop a presentation to teach the rest of the class (and you, dear readers) all about their explorer.  Stay tuned for some awesome explorer projects! 🙂

Scavenger Hunt

Today we went on a triangle and quadrilateral scavenger hunt!  Armed with cameras and clipboards, the students were given the task of finding as many triangles and quadrilaterals as they could in 30 minutes.  They were allowed to go (almost) anywhere in the school building, and around the outside perimeter of the school.  The team with the most triangles and/or quadrilaterals will win an invisible pony.

Here are some pictures from our scavenger hunt!  I’ll announce the winners soon! 

Sara and Naomi taking pictures of the playground

Sara and Naomi taking pictures of the playground

Can you see the triangle? What kind is it?

Can you see the triangle? What kind is it?

Acute equilateral triangles and a square

Acute equilateral triangles and a square

A rhombus on Mrs. B's sweater
A rhombus on Mrs. B’s sweater
Triangle-shaped magnetic clip

Triangle-shaped magnetic clip

Science Benchmark Testing Today

Justin leads a group in a review game

Justin leads a group in a review game

 Today our fifth graders are taking their first science benchmark.  This quarter we studied weather and climate, and the kids have been working very hard.  This is the first year that they will have to take the science End-of-Grade test, so they are motivated to do their best in science this year. 

To get ready, the students prepared their own study guide last week.  First, they divided up all the major sections we’ve studied in this unit.  Then they summarized their notes for those topics.  Finally they brought them all to me, and I typed them up and made copies for all of them.  They willingly studied these over the weekend to prepare for their test.  They are very resourceful!
I made a SmartBoard Jeopardy game to review for the test, and we played it last week.  Some of the kids were so into it that they played it again this morning on the computer!  Thanks to Justin for being our “host” and making sure the game went smoothly.  It was interesting to hear them discussing the concepts and checking for understanding.
Good luck to my little darlings today!  You are truly the best class ever!

Peeler is where the wild things are!


Jonathan Green, Super Snake

We had such an awesome time at recess today!  The kids found lots of different little critters to play with.  The excitement all started when a group of students found a small green snake in the woods!  The little guy was so cute.  His name became Jonathan Green for some reason….  After getting a good look at him, we decided that he should go to the woods behind the soccer fields so he wouldn’t be trampled.  Ansen was brave and carried JG on a stick all the way to safety.

Maria and the Mantis

Maria and the Mantis

Then there was shouting from another part of the playground!  Some other kids found a rather large mantis near the Project Fit equipment.  They were so excited because we had some baby mantises in our classroom last year!.  Maria was brave enough to hold him on her elbow while I took a picture.  We looked at our nameless friend (no one named him?  That’s weird!) and Ethan took him to a safe place so he could have a peaceful day.

What IS this thing????

What IS this thing????

When we were about to go inside, we saw yet another interesting critter!  The thing is, we’re not sure what this thing is!  Does anyone out there know?  We’d love to hear from you!

There’s always something going on in Mrs. Buckmaster’s class!  Check back with us soon for more news!
